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References and Links

This chapter compiles relevant references and provides links to projects where the lemmatization process has been developed and applied to Slovene texts.

ProjectsProjects, in which the system has been developed or applied
Universal Dependencies
MULTEXT-East - Multilingual corpora and text tools for Central and East European langauges
JOS - Linguistic Annotation of Slovene: Methods and Resources
Communication in Slovene
Janes - Resources, Tools and Methods for the Research of Nonstandard Internet Slovene
Development of Slovene in a Digital Environment

The Obeliks tool for tokenization and sentence segmentation

Krek, Simon; Erjavec, Tomaž; Dobrovoljc, Kaja; Gantar, Polona; Arhar Holdt, Špela; Čibej, Jaka in Brank, Janez. The ssj500k training corpus for Slovene language processing. V: Fišer, D. in Erjavec, T. Jezikovne tehnologije in digitalna humanistika: zbornik konference: 24.-25. september 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenija. Ljubljana: Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino, 2020. Str. 24–33. [PDF]