12 Slovene learner corpus KOST
The KOST annotation system was developed together with the KOST corpus of Slovene as a foreign language (Stritar Kučuk 2022) and is designed for categorizing teacher's corrections in texts written by speakers of Slovene as a second or foreign language. The tagging system is hierarchically organized in two tiers: first, the corrections are defined according to the linguistic level, followed by the characterization of the general type of correction or the part of speech. The two-tier annotations allow for a robust analysis, which has to be followed by a more detailed manual revision.
Introduction to Tags
This chapter summarises the KOST tags. A more detailed presentation can be found in the guideline...
Annotation Guidelines
This chapter summarizes the annotation guidelines for semantic-role labelling as applied to Slove...
References and Links
This chapter compiles relevant references and provides links to projects where the KOST system ha...