Introduction to Tags
This chapter summarises the tags for semantic-role labelling. A more detailed presentation can be found in the guidelines in the Annotation Guidelines chapter.
Tagsome text | Semantic Role | Desription | Example |
ACTsome text | actorso | acting participant, originator or bearer of the action, logical subject | Zgodilo se je mesec dni po tem, ko sem izvedel, da me žena.ACT vara. Zdela se mi.ACT je veliko bolj vsakdanja. |
PATsome text | patientsomeso | affected object of the action | Kuhajo kosilo.PAT. Županja je včeraj sklicala sestanek.PAT.; Dogodek v Ankaranu je bila dramatična nesreča.PAT. |
REC some text | addressee / benefactorsomesomesomesomesomesome | receiver, indirect participant of the action; non-acting participant benefiting or suffering from the action; characteristics of the object's possessor; communicative function (ethical dative) | Miha je Maji.REC ujel pobeglega kanarčka. To sliko je narisal otrokom/za otroke.REC. Glava mu.REC počasi pada na prsi. Teče mu.REC za vrat. Ura mi.REC dobro dela. To ti.REC je žurka. Otroci nam.REC nočejo priti domov. |
ORIG some text | origin / inheritencesomeme | the initial state, origin/source/motive of the action; person (group) from whom someone inherits, adopts, receives something | Pohištvo izdelujemo iz lesa.ORIG. Plašč je dobil po očetu.ORIG. Iz dobro obveščenih virov.ORIG smo izvedeli, da … |
RESLTsome text | effect | effect, result, goal of the action | Imenovali so ga za predsednika.RESLT. Rok je dvoumen.RESLT. |
TIMEsome text | temporal: when / temporal: parallel / temporal: from when / temporal: to when | specific moment or interval of the action; moment or interval originating from the action; moment or interval following the action | Odrinemo ob zori.TIME.. Med počitnicami.TIME ni niti enkrat posijalo sonce. Sestanek je prestavil s četrtka.TIME na petek.TIME. |
DURsome text | temporal: for how long / temporal: how long / temporal: since when / temporal: till | duration of the state; duration of the action; specific moment of start; specific moment of end | Prišel je za en mesec.DUR. To mu je uspelo narediti v enem tednu.DUR. Od jutri.DUR dalje sem na dopustu. Do četrtka.DUR uredim še papirje. |
FREQ | temporal: how often | frequency of the action | Vsak dan.FREQ se mučimo s tem. |
LOC | locative / directional: which way | specific location, place, site of the action; direction in space | Sprehajajo se po gozdu.LOC. |
SOURCE | directional: from | starting point in space | S stropa.SOURCE odpada omet. |
GOAL | directional: where to | ending point in space | Prišel je domov.GOAL |
EVENTsome text | temporal-locative event | time-space specific event | Sodelovati v skupnih akcijah.EVENT. Sploh ni padel v vojni.EVENT. |
AIM | aim / intent | purpose of the action; purpose of movement | Telovadi, da bi shujšala.AIM.. Poslali so ga po malico.AIM. |
CAUSE | cause | cause of the action | Umrl je zaradi srčne kapi.CAUSE. |
CONTRsome text | concession / contradiction | unexpected consequentiality of the action | Študijskim uspehom.CONTR navkljub službe ni dobil. Medtem ko se plače nižajo.CONTR, cene rastejo. |
COND | condition | condition for the existence of the action | Če neha deževati.COND, gremo na kavo. |
REG | regard / criterion / comparison | in regard to; key criterion (rule) for evaluating the action; comparison | Glede na vreme.REG ni mogoče ugotoviti … Preiskava je potekala v skladu z zakonom.REG. Za razliko.REG od mene ima posluh. |
ACMP | accompaniment | object, person, or event that accompanies the action or other participants | Mama je s sinom.ACMP odšla v cirkus. |
RESTR | restriction | exception, limitation | Vsi so bili tam razen tebe.REST. |
MANN some text | manner / result | manner aspect of the action; result at the end of the action | Dela prepočasi.MANN. Govori tako potiho.MANN, da ničesar ne razumem. |
MEANS | means | means or tool for executing the action | Piše s peresom.MEANS. |
QUANT | difference / extent | qualitative difference between events, states, objects; measure, range, or intensity of the action or circumstance | Cena goriva se je podražila za 3 cente.QUANT. Za znamko je plačal 50 evrov.QUANT. |
MWPREDsome text some text some te | multi-word predicate | phrases with infinitives; phasal and non-modal verbs | Dati vedeti.MWPRED., Klinov ni videti.MWPRED nikjer. Se lahko nauči nasilju reči.MWPRED »ne«. |
MODAL | modal phrase | phrases of modal verb and infinitive; phrases of 'biti' + modal adverb | Za neposredni prenos jih niso želeli prikrajšati.MODAL. je treba.MODAL poudariti |
PHRAS | dependant part of phraseological unit | dependent part of a verbal phraseological unit | Iti na živce.PHRAS. Mi je beseda ostala v grlu.PHRAS. |
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