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Introduction to Tags

This chapter summarises the tags for semantic-role labelling. A more detailed presentation can be found in the guidelines in the Annotation Guidelines chapter.

Tagsomesosome text Semantic Role Desription Example
ACTsomesosome text actorso acting participant, originator or bearer of the action, logical subject Zgodilo se je mesec dni po tem, ko sem izvedel, da me žena.ACT vara. Zdela se mi.ACT je veliko bolj vsakdanja.
PATsomesosome text patientsomeso affected object of the action Kuhajo kosilo.PAT. Županja je včeraj sklicala sestanek.PAT.; Dogodek v Ankaranu je bila dramatična nesreča.PAT.
REC somesomessssssssssssome text addressee / benefactorsomesomesomesomesomesome receiver, indirect participant of the action; non-acting participant benefiting or suffering from the action; characteristics of the object's possessor; communicative function (ethical dative) Miha je Maji.REC ujel pobeglega kanarčka. To sliko je narisal otrokom/za otroke.REC. Glava mu.REC počasi pada na prsi. Teče mu.REC za vrat. Ura mi.REC dobro dela. To ti.REC je žurka. Otroci nam.REC nočejo priti domov.
ORIG somesomsome text origin / inheritencesomeme the initial state, origin/source/motive of the action; person (group) from whom someone inherits, adopts, receives something Pohištvo izdelujemo iz lesa.ORIG. Plašč je dobil po očetu.ORIG. Iz dobro obveščenih virov.ORIG smo izvedeli, da …
RESLTsomsome text effect effect, result, goal of the action Imenovali so ga za predsednika.RESLT. Rok je dvoumen.RESLT.
TIMEsomessome text temporal: when / temporal: parallel / temporal: from when / temporal: to when specific moment or interval of the action; moment or interval originating from the action; moment or interval following the action Odrinemo ob zori.TIME.. Med počitnicami.TIME ni niti enkrat posijalo sonce. Sestanek je prestavil s četrtka.TIME na petek.TIME.
DURsomesomesosome text temporal: for how long / temporal: how long / temporal: since when / temporal: till duration of the state; duration of the action; specific moment of start; specific moment of end Prišel je za en mesec.DUR. To mu je uspelo narediti v enem tednu.DUR. Od jutri.DUR dalje sem na dopustu. Do četrtka.DUR uredim še papirje.
FREQ temporal: how often frequency of the action Vsak dan.FREQ se mučimo s tem.
LOC locative / directional: which way specific location, place, site of the action; direction in space Sprehajajo se po gozdu.LOC.
SOURCE directional: from starting point in space S stropa.SOURCE odpada omet.
GOAL directional: where to ending point in space Prišel je domov.GOAL
EVENTsomesosome text temporal-locative event time-space specific event Sodelovati v skupnih akcijah.EVENT. Sploh ni padel v vojni.EVENT.
AIM aim / intent purpose of the action; purpose of movement Telovadi, da bi shujšala.AIM.. Poslali so ga po malico.AIM.
CAUSE cause cause of the action Umrl je zaradi srčne kapi.CAUSE.
CONTRsomesosome text concession / contradiction unexpected consequentiality of the action Študijskim uspehom.CONTR navkljub službe ni dobil. Medtem ko se plače nižajo.CONTR, cene rastejo.
COND condition condition for the existence of the action Če neha deževati.COND, gremo na kavo.
REG regard / criterion / comparison in regard to; key criterion (rule) for evaluating the action; comparison Glede na vreme.REG ni mogoče ugotoviti … Preiskava je potekala v skladu z zakonom.REG. Za razliko.REG od mene ima posluh.
ACMP accompaniment object, person, or event that accompanies the action or other participants Mama je s sinom.ACMP odšla v cirkus.
RESTR restriction exception, limitation Vsi so bili tam razen tebe.REST.
MANN somessome text manner / result manner aspect of the action; result at the end of the action Dela prepočasi.MANN. Govori tako potiho.MANN, da ničesar ne razumem.
MEANS means means or tool for executing the action Piše s peresom.MEANS.
QUANT difference / extent qualitative difference between events, states, objects; measure, range, or intensity of the action or circumstance Cena goriva se je podražila za 3 cente.QUANT. Za znamko je plačal 50 evrov.QUANT.
MWPREDsome text some text some temulti-word predicatephrases with infinitives; phasal and non-modal verbsDati vedeti.MWPRED., Klinov ni videti.MWPRED nikjer. Se lahko nauči nasilju reči.MWPRED »ne«.
MODALmodal phrasephrases of modal verb and infinitive; phrases of 'biti' + modal adverbZa neposredni prenos jih niso želeli prikrajšati.MODAL. je treba.MODAL poudariti
PHRASdependant part of phraseological unitdependent part of a verbal phraseological unitIti na živce.PHRAS. Mi je beseda ostala v grlu.PHRAS.