API routes
SwaggerThe technicalAPI specificationsis being designed and developed, with priority on current needs. Specifications are available in redoc (which is better formatted visually) and swagger (which allows you to try the API via the interface).
Here is a list of the APIcurrent routesroutes. belowRoutes that are in development are available here.to try but not yet thoroughly tested, while those in design can be browsed for (provisional) specifications but are not yet implemented. The routes that are not read-only have restricted access.
Route Status Read-only Description /search/form/ :in development yes search for word forms by string /retrieve/lexeme/:lexeme_id in development yes get a lexeme's data from its id /search/lexeme/ in design yes search for a lexeme /search-batch/lexical-unit/ in design yes batch search for lexical units /retrieve/lexical-unit-forms-status/ in design yes the forms of a lexical unit's parts, with statuses /process/string-to-tokens/ :in design yes parse a Slovene string to get a list of tokens [/retrieve/lexeme/:lexeme_id(http://localhost:8000/api/redoc/#operation/retrieve_lexeme_create):geta lexeme's data from its id/create/lexeme/ :in development no get or create a lexeme based on defining properties /create-batch/lexical-unit :in design no batch get or create lexical units basedondefining properties/detach/lexical-unit/ :in development no detach a lexical unit from a resource /retrieve/lexical-unit-forms-status/:get /search-batch/lexical-unit: search for lexical units
Public (read-only) routes
Search for lexical units matching the input parameters.
Retrieve data of a lexeme.
Always includes the lemma, part of speech and lexeme-level properties.
Can also include a hierarchy of the lexeme's forms, if the "extra-data" field is included in the request JSON body with a suitable value. The supported values are:
Search for lexeme forms matching the string provided.
Retrieve the forms of each component of a lexical unit, along with their status.
Process a Slovene string to get a structured list of tokens using the CLASSLA parser.
Restricted (read/write) routes
Create (or find) lexical units (and their components, if need be) based on the input parameters provided.
Detach a lexical unit from a particular resource.
Create (or find) a lexeme (and its forms, if need be) based on the input parameters provided.