Introduction to Tags
This chapter summarises the Šolar tags. A more detailed presentation can be found in the guidelines in the Annotation Guidelines chapter.
Tag | Linguistic level | Category of correction | Specific language problem |
Č/VOK/odveč | Spelling | Vowels | Superfluous vowel |
Č/VOK/izpust | Spelling | Vowels | Omitted vowel |
Č/VOK/menjava-ao | Spelling | Vowels | AO substitution |
Č/VOK/menjava-ei | Spelling | Vowels | EI substitution |
Č/VOK/menjava-uo | Spelling | Vowels | UO substitution |
Č/VOK/menjava-drugo | Spelling | Vowels | Other vowel substitutions |
Č/KONZ/odveč | Spelling | Consonants | Superfluous consonant |
Č/KONZ/izpust | Spelling | Consonants | Omitted consonant |
Č/KONZ/menjava-sz | Spelling | Consonants | Substitution SZ |
Č/KONZ/menjava-td | Spelling | Consonants | Substitution TD |
Č/KONZ/menjava-kgh | Spelling | Consonants | Substitution KGH |
Č/KONZ/menjava-mn | Spelling | Consonants | Substitution MN |
Č/KONZ/menjava-šž | Spelling | Consonants | Substitution ŠŽ |
Č/KONZ/menjava-strešice | Spelling | Consonants | Substitution of DIACRITIC |
Č/KONZ/menjava-drugo | Spelling | Consonants | Other consonant substitution |
Č/W/začetek | Spelling | Labio-velar approximant w | Word-initially |
Č/W/sredina | Spelling | Labio-velar approximant w | Word-medial |
Č/W/konec | Spelling | Labio-velar approximant w | Word-final |
Č/W/v | Spelling | Labio-velar approximant w | Prepositional V |
Č/SKLOP/zlog | Spelling | Letter clusters | A syllable is missing or is superfluous |
Č/SKLOP/lj | Spelling | Letter clusters | Cluster LJ |
Č/SKLOP/nj | Spelling | Letter clusters | Cluster NJ |
Č/SKLOP/ij | Spelling | Letter clusters | Cluster IJ |
Č/SKLOP/podvojene | Spelling | Letter clusters | Doubled letters |
Č/SKLOP/premet | Spelling | Letter clusters | Metathesis |
Č/PRED/sz | Spelling | Variable (allophonic) prepositions | Preposition s/z |
Č/PRED/kh | Spelling | Variable (allophonic) prepositions | Preposition k/h |
O/KAT/sklon-rt | Morphology | Categorical corrections | Case: genitive-accusative |
O/KAT/sklon-dm | Morphology | Categorical corrections | Case: dative-locative |
O/KAT/sklon-mo | Morphology | Categorical corrections | Case: locative-instrumental |
O/KAT/sklon-drugo | Morphology | Categorical corrections | Other case substitutions |
O/KAT/število-em | Morphology | Categorical corrections | Number: singular-plural |
O/KAT/število-dm | Morphology | Categorical corrections | Number: dual-plural |
O/KAT/število-ed | Morphology | Categorical corrections | Number: single-dual |
O/KAT/spol | Morphology | Categorical corrections | Gender |
O/KAT/vid | Morphology | Categorical corrections | Aspect |
O/KAT/čas | Morphology | Categorical corrections | Tense |
O/KAT/oseba | Morphology | Categorical corrections | Person |
O/KAT/nedoločnik-kratki | Morphology | Categorical corrections | Reduced infinitive |
O/KAT/nedoločnik-namenilnik | Morphology | Categorical corrections | Infinitive and supine |
O/KAT/nedoločnik-osebna | Morphology | Categorical corrections | Infinitive and finite verb |
O/KAT/povratnost | Morphology | Categorical corrections | Reflexivity |
O/KAT/naklon | Morphology | Categorical corrections | Mood |
O/KAT/način | Morphology | Categorical corrections | Voice |
O/KAT/oblika-zaimka | Morphology | Categorical corrections | Pronomial form |
O/KAT/določnost | Morphology | Categorical corrections | Definiteness |
O/KAT/stopnjevanje | Morphology | Categorical corrections | Comparison |
O/PAR/glagolska-osnova | Morphology | Paradigmatic Corrections | Verbal root |
O/PAR/glagolska-končnica | Morphology | Paradigmatic Corrections | Verbal ending |
O/PAR/neglagolska-osnova | Morphology | Paradigmatic Corrections | Non-verbal root |
O/PAR/neglagolska-končnica | Morphology | Paradigmatic Corrections | Non-verbal ending |
O/PAR/neobstojni-vokal | Morphology | Paradigmatic Corrections | Epenthetic vowel |
O/PAR/preglas-in-cč | Morphology | Paradigmatic Corrections | Umlaut and cč |
O/DOD/variante | Morphology | Additional Annotation | Morphological variants |
O/DOD/besede-mati-hči | Morphology | Additional Annotation | Mati-hči |
O/DOD/besede-otrok | Morphology | Additional Annotation | Otrok |
B/SAM/napačno-lastno | Vocabulary | Nouns | Erroneous proper noun |
B/SAM/lastno-občno | Vocabulary | Nouns | Proper and common name |
B/SAM/občno-besedišče | Vocabulary | Nouns | Common vocabulary |
B/GLAG/predpona | Vocabulary | Verbs | Verbal prefixes |
B/GLAG/moči-morati | Vocabulary | Verbs | Substitution moči-morati |
B/GLAG/naklonski | Vocabulary | Verbs | Other substitutions of modal verbs |
B/GLAG/drugo | Vocabulary | Verbs | Other substitutions of verbs |
B/ZAIM/povratna-svojilnost | Vocabulary | Pronoun | Reflexive possessive |
B/ZAIM/ki-kateri | Vocabulary | Pronoun | Substitution ki -- kateri |
B/ZAIM/oziralni | Vocabulary | Pronoun | Other problems with relative pronouns |
B/ZAIM/noben | Vocabulary | Pronoun | Substitution of negative pronouns |
B/ZAIM/drugo | Vocabulary | Pronoun | Other pronomial substitutions |
B/PRED/glagolske-zveze | Vocabulary | Preposition | Prepositions in verbal phrases |
B/PRED/neglagolske-zveze | Vocabulary | Preposition | Prepositions into non-verbal phrases |
B/PRED/lokacijske-dvojnice | Vocabulary | Preposition | Locative doublets |
B/PRED/drugo | Vocabulary | Preposition | Other substitutions of prepositions |
B/VEZ/in-pa-ter | Vocabulary | Conjunction | Substitutions of in-pa-ter |
B/VEZ/protivni | Vocabulary | Conjunction | Coordinating adversative conjunction |
B/VEZ/sprememba-odnosa | Vocabulary | Conjunction | Change to subordination |
B/VEZ/drugo | Vocabulary | Conjunction | Other substitutions of conjunctions |
B/PRID/drugo | Vocabulary | Adjective | All problems related to adjectives |
B/PRISL/drugo | Vocabulary | Adverb | All problems related to adverbs |
B/OST/drugo | Vocabulary | Other parts of speech | All problems related to other parts of speech |
B/MEN/polnopomenska-v-zaimek | Vocabulary | Substitutions beyond the confines of part of speech | Lexical word or phrase changed into pronoun |
B/MEN/zaimek-v-polnopomensko | Vocabulary | Substitutions beyond the confines of part of speech | Pronoun to a lexical word or phrase |
B/MEN/veznik-zaimek | Vocabulary | Substitutions beyond the confines of part of speech | Substitution of conjunction and pronoun |
B/MEN/besedna-družina | Vocabulary | Substitutions beyond the confines of part of speech | Word family |
B/MEN/samostalnik-bz | Vocabulary | Substitutions beyond the confines of part of speech | Noun and phrase |
B/MEN/glagol-bz | Vocabulary | Substitutions beyond the confines of part of speech | Verb and phrase |
B/MEN/prislov-pridevnik-bz | Vocabulary | Substitutions beyond the confines of part of speech | Adverb/adjective and phrase |
B/MEN/drugo | Vocabulary | Substitutions beyond the confines of part of speech | Other types of substitutions |
B/DOD/zaznamovano | Vocabulary | Substitutions beyond the confines of part of speech | Stylistically marked vocabulary |
S/BR/povedek-osebek | Syntax | Word order | Constituent order: predicate-subject |
S/BR/povedek-predmet | Syntax | Word order | Constituent order: predicate-object |
S/BR/povedek-prislovno-določilo | Syntax | Word order | Order: sentence-adverbial determiner |
S/BR/členek | Syntax | Word order | Order: particle |
S/BR/znotraj-stavčnega-člena | Syntax | Word order | Order within clausal constituents |
S/BR/naslonski-niz-znotraj | Syntax | Word order | Clitic string: order of clitics |
S/BR/naslonski-niz-prirednost-podrednost | Syntax | Word order | Clitic string: independent-subordinate |
S/BR/drugo | Syntax | Word order | Other changes to word order |
S/IZPUST/samostalnik-občno-ime | Syntax | Omitted constituents | Noun: common noun |
S/IZPUST/samostalnik-lastno-ime | Syntax | Omitted constituents | Noun: proper noun |
S/IZPUST/glagol-biti | Syntax | Omitted constituents | The verb biti |
S/IZPUST/glagol-drugo | Syntax | Omitted constituents | Other omitted verbs |
S/IZPUST/veznik-pa | Syntax | Omitted constituents | The word pa |
S/IZPUST/veznik-drugo | Syntax | Omitted constituents | Other omitted conjunctions |
S/IZPUST/predlog-ponovljen | Syntax | Omitted constituents | Repeated prepositions |
S/IZPUST/predlog-drugo | Syntax | Omitted constituents | Other omitted prepositions |
S/IZPUST/zaimek-osebni | Syntax | Omitted constituents | Personal pronoun |
S/IZPUST/zaimek-drugo | Syntax | Omitted constituents | Other omitted pronouns |
S/IZPUST/pridevnik | Syntax | Omitted constituents | Adjective |
S/IZPUST/prislov | Syntax | Omitted constituents | Adverb |
S/IZPUST/členek | Syntax | Omitted constituents | Particle |
S/IZPUST/stavek | Syntax | Omitted constituents | Sentence |
S/ODVEČ/ponavljanje | Syntax | Superfluous constituents | Literal repetition |
S/ODVEČ/samostalnik-občno-ime | Syntax | Superfluous constituents | Noun: common noun |
S/ODVEČ/samostalnik-lastno-ime | Syntax | Superfluous constituents | Noun: proper noun |
S/ODVEČ/glagol-biti | Syntax | Superfluous constituents | The verb biti |
S/ODVEČ/glagol-drugo | Syntax | Superfluous constituents | Other superfluous verb |
S/ODVEČ/veznik-pa-vezniki | Syntax | Superfluous constituents | The word pa with another conjunction |
S/ODVEČ/veznik-pa-drugo | Syntax | Superfluous constituents | Other examples including the word pa |
S/ODVEČ/veznik-začetek | Syntax | Superfluous constituents | Conjunction at the beginning of a sentence |
S/ODVEČ/veznik-dvojni | Syntax | Superfluous constituents | Doubled conjunction |
S/ODVEČ/veznik-drugo | Syntax | Superfluous constituents | Other superfluous conjunction |
S/ODVEČ/predlog | Syntax | Superfluous constituents | Preposition |
S/ODVEČ/zaimek-osebni | Syntax | Superfluous constituents | Personal pronoun |
S/ODVEČ/zaimek-kazalni | Syntax | Superfluous constituents | Demonstrative pronoun |
S/ODVEČ/zaimek-svojilni | Syntax | Superfluous constituents | Possessive pronoun |
S/ODVEČ/zaimek-drugo | Syntax | Superfluous constituents | Other superfluous pronouns |
S/ODVEČ/pridevnik | Syntax | Superfluous constituents | Adjective |
S/ODVEČ/prislov-mera | Syntax | Superfluous constituents | Adverb of degree |
S/ODVEČ/prislov-drugo | Syntax | Superfluous constituents | Other superfluous adverbs |
S/ODVEČ/členek | Syntax | Superfluous constituents | Particle |
S/ODVEČ/stavek | Syntax | Superfluous constituents | Clause |
S/ODVEČ/poved | Syntax | Superfluous constituents | Sentence |
S/STR/svojina-od | Syntax | Structure | Possessives with od |
S/STR/svojina-rodilnik | Syntax | Structure | Possessives with the genitive |
S/STR/ločilo-veznik | Syntax | Structure | Substitution punctuation-conjunction |
S/STR/združevanje-stavkov | Syntax | Structure | Merged clauses |
S/STR/deljenje-stavkov | Syntax | Structure | Separation of clauses/sentences |
S/STR/besedna-zveza-stavek | Syntax | Structure | Word/phrase instead of clause and vice versa |
S/STR/preoblikovanje-stavka | Syntax | Structure | Reworked clause |
S/DOD/pleonazem | Syntax | Additional Annotation | Pleonasm |
S/DOD/vsebina-drugo | Syntax | Additional Annotation | Superfluous content |
S/DOD/vsebina-napake | Syntax | Additional Annotation | Erroneous content |
S/DOD/pomensko-prazni | Syntax | Additional Annotation | Semantically null |
Z/MV/pridevnik-ski | Orthography | Capital/lowercase letters | Adjectives ending in -ski |
Z/MV/pridevnik-drugo | Orthography | Capital/lowercase letters | Other adjectives |
Z/MV/občna-imena | Orthography | Capital/lowercase letters | Common noun |
Z/MV/osebna-imena | Orthography | Capital/lowercase letters | Personal name with lowercase letter |
Z/MV/narodnost | Orthography | Capital/lowercase letters | Nationality with lowercase letter |
Z/MV/zemljepisna-imena | Orthography | Capital/lowercase letters | Geographical name with lowercase letter |
Z/MV/stvarna-imena | Orthography | Capital/lowercase letters | Proper nouns with lowercase letter |
Z/MV/premi-govor | Orthography | Capital/lowercase letters | Direct speech |
Z/MV/začetek-povedi | Orthography | Capital/lowercase letters | Sentence initial |
Z/MV/hiperkorekcija-ločila | Orthography | Capital/lowercase letters | Hypercorrection following a period |
Z/MV/drugo | Orthography | Capital/lowercase letters | Other problems with initial letters |
Z/SN/skupaj-glagol | Orthography | Together/separate | Verb together |
Z/SN/skupaj-predlog | Orthography | Together/separate | Preposition together |
Z/SN/narazen-predlog | Orthography | Together/separate | Preposition separate |
Z/SN/skupaj-prislov | Orthography | Together/separate | Adverb together |
Z/SN/narazen-prislov | Orthography | Together/separate | Adverb separate |
Z/SN/narazen-pridevnik | Orthography | Together/separate | Adjective separate |
Z/SN/narazen-drugo | Orthography | Together/separate | Other separate |
Z/SN/skupaj-drugo | Orthography | Together/separate | Other together |
Z/KR/drugo | Orthography | Abbreviations | All problems related to abbreviations |
Z/ŠTEV/drugo | Orthography | Numbers | All problems related to numbers |
Z/LOČ/nerazvrščeno | Orthography | Punctuation | Unclassified punctuation corrections |
Z/LOČ/vzorec-vejica-stavki | Orthography | Punctuation | Comma before subordinate clauses |
Z/LOČ/vzorec-vejica-stavčni-členi | Orthography | Punctuation | Comma between parts-of-speech |
Z/LOČ/vzorec-vejica-vezniki | Orthography | Punctuation | Comma and multi-word conjunctions |
Z/LOČ/vzorec-vejica-kot | Orthography | Punctuation | Comma and comparative structures |
Z/LOČ/vzorec-vejica-pristavki | Orthography | Punctuation | Comma and appositions etc. |
Z/LOČ/vzorec-vejica-vrinjen-odvisnik | Orthography | Punctuation | Comma and inserted subordinate clauses |
Z/LOČ/vzorec-vejica-priredja-zvez | Orthography | Punctuation | Comma and coordinate phrases |
Z/LOČ/vzorec-vejica-priredja-odvisnikov | Orthography | Punctuation | Comma and coordinate clauses |
Z/LOČ/vzorec-vejica-pridevniški-niz | Orthography | Punctuation | Comma in adjective strings |
Z/LOČ/vzorec-vejica-elipsa-povedka | Orthography | Punctuation | Comma and predicate ellipsis |
Z/LOČ/vzorec-vejica-kopičenje-ločil | Orthography | Punctuation | Comma and punctuation accumulation |
Z/LOČ/vzorec-vejica-kopičenje-veznikov | Orthography | Punctuation | Comma and conjunction accumulation |
Z/LOČ/vzorec-vejica-navajanje | Orthography | Punctuation | Comma and quotation |
P/OBL/drugo | Related corrections | Related morphology corrections | All corrections related to morphology |
P/SKLA/osebek | Related corrections | Related syntax corrections | Corrections of subject |
P/SKLA/drugo | Related corrections | Related syntax corrections | Other corrections related to syntax |
P/ZAP/mala-velika | Related corrections | Related orthography corrections | Corrections of initial letter |
N//nečitljivo | Illegible and dubious examples | Illegible examples | |
N//preveri | Illegible and dubious examples | Dubious examples |
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